Product Release Notes: 12 May 2021

We’re pleased to announce the product updates from 12th May 2021 in our latest product release notes. For further information on any of the points below, please contact your Grip representative.

Improvements & New Features: Participants

1. Deep linking to filter Agenda View



We are now adding event agenda filters as parameters to the web-networking URL. Using this URL will open a filtered view of the agenda instead of the default view of all the sessions.

Why? With this feature, you can now create side navigation items that open a filtered view of the event agenda. This way, you can make selected tracks or locations more visible in the event.

Available To: All users
Release Type: Optional - set on an event level
Release Date: 12th May 2021

2. Teams access in all Hosted Buyer phases.



Hosted Buyer event participants can now also access teams in the Initial and Closed phases. In these phases, they will only be able to access the settings section within Teams.

Why? Participants will be able set up their teams (by inviting their colleagues, editing their company profiles, and creating products) well in advance of the free flow phase starts.

Available To: All users, standard
Release Type: Standard
Release Date: 12th May 2021

3. Teams creation improvement for users related to two companies

When creating new teams, a user related to two company profiles would create a Team attached to both companies. With this change, users will have to select which company they want to connect to the Team.

Why? As Teams can really only be linked to one company, the previous flow resulted in various errors and confusion.

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Standard
Release Date: 12th May 2021

4. Preview upcoming meetings on profiles on lists



The 'View Meeting' button seen on user profiles on lists used to open the profile details page, where you can see all your meetings in detail. Now, clicking on the button will display a drop-down panel previewing all of your upcoming meetings - both accepted and pending ones.

Why? We want to make upcoming meetings more visible in the platform, especially pending meeting requests. This move will help increase the meeting acceptance and meeting attendance rates and overall meeting engagement.

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Standard
Release Date: 12th May 2021

5. Open stream sessions

It is an additional setting on sessions that removes the requirement to add the session to schedule to watch live-stream or recording. This change also includes necessary session views tracking updates.

Why? To reduce platform complexity for the majority of virtual events.

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Optional setting - by default will be turned on for each session, but can be turned off.
Release Date: 12th May 2021

Article Link:

6. Session chat UI updates

Few minor UI improvements to Arena chats, among others: clickable links format and display of user names on tooltips.

Why? Follow-up changes after recent greater chat developments.

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Standard
Release Date: 12th May 2021

Improvements & New Features: Organisers

7. Active in event label

The active in event label on a profile page in the dashboard now represents 'active in event' when an event is selected, and 'active in app' when no event is selected.

Why? Information about activity at an event level will allow users much deeper insights and targeted actions on the platform.

Available To: Everybody
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 12th May 2021

8. CSV uploader



The ability to upload a CSV to add Profiles to an event, complete with all data needed including metadata

Why? This allows a large number of Profiles to be uploaded and completed by users without needing to integrations

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 12th May 2021

Link to article:


9. Ability to send emails to users active within an event



This work allows organisers the choice of sending emails to users who are active within the app or active within the event

How? Being able to filter by active within an event means a user can send an email only to users who need to activate their account for the current event or who already have activated their account within the current event

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 12th May 2021

10. Insights section showing users activation rate in the event

On the insights section the activation rate now refers to users who are active within the event rather than in the app

Why? The activation rate show in the insights section referred to the activation rates at app level rather than event level which is confusing.

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 12th May 2021

11. Activation at event level on exports

Exports showing activations will now display active within event rather than in the app.
NOTE: Events created before March 5th 2021 will remain as active in app, everything after will be active in event

Why? Exports showing activation at app level were not useful for users who wanted to target increasing the activation rate for attendees at their events

Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 12th May 2021

Bugs & Fixes

  • Fixed: Issue where users were unable to join speed networking sessions having added the session to their schedule

  • Fixed: Non-personalised bulk emails not being sent

  • Fixed: Notifications not triggering expected target action

  • Fixed: Unable to attach a sponsor to a session in an event

  • Fixed: Some users unable to open meeting rooms within an event due to availability check on meeting acceptance

  • Fixed: 'No thanks' button appearing on a Hosted Buyer event when it had been disabled

  • Fixed: Not all metadata fields showing on all products after change to event-scoped data types

  • Fixed: Not displaying both Featured label on companies which also had Top of Lists enabled

  • Fixed: Unable to add inbound lead limit to a monetisation plan after one of the plans had been deleted

  • Fixed: Not able to add a user to the dashboard on an event

  • Fixed: Issue with event agenda displaying in navigation items after all sessions had been deleted

  • Fixed: Issue with 'last login data' not being displayed

  • Fixed: Issue with an event iframe not working for an event

  • Fixed: Incorrect status of multi-user meetings (iOS)

  • Fixed: Incorrect preview information displayed in Meetings home feed blocks (iOS)