
5 Reasons Why an Event Networking App Will Improve Your Event

5 Reasons Why an Event Networking App Will Improve Your Event
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1. Increase Attendee satisfaction

Event organizers are the first to tell us that their event was created to bring the best and brightest people within a particular industry together to learn and connect with their peers. This resonates, with what Attendees tell us. 84% of them say that finding meeting new people at the event is very important to them.The Grip Networking App allows anyone at an event to connect with other attendees, resulting in a significant increase in attendee satisfaction. The Grip App was designed to connect your attendees with the people they desire to meet at your event fast and efficiently.In the Grip App attendees simply login with LinkedIn or Facebook and if both attendees swipe right on each other they will have a Handshake. This will allow them to chat and meet face to face at the event.Why do both attendees have to swipe right on each other?This eliminates the spam messages from unwanted attendees. This means that also your VIPs and speakers can use the Grip networking app without being spammed.What if my attendees need to speak to specific people at my event?With the attendees previous behaviour the Grip AI recommends the right people to meet. The AI will learn from the attendee previous behaviour and recommend people to meet, this happens seamlessly in the background.

2. Everyone’s personal matchmaker

Where traditional attendee lists inside event apps offer a static and cumbersome experience, Grip is everyone’s personal matchmaker. Constantly looking for the right people to connect you with in a fully personalized experience. The problem with an attendee list is that many people often search for a particular job title. However, many job titles can describe the same job. With an attendee list event goers often miss out on the most valuable connections they could have made during an event.An attendee often looks at the attendee list to be able to find a particular set of people to meet at the event with our tool we remove the effort an attendee has to make in finding the people to meet and then having to find them during the event. Enabling more time to talk with people face to face at your event. Our App was designed to make it fun and easy to use for your attendees to connect with others without them having to fill in a ton of information within the app. With our simple one click login system with LinkedIn and Facebook, the attendee's profiles will already be pre-populated making sure they can network as soon as they have signed up to Grip.Why a networking App if my attendees can exchange business cards face to face?We know that your attendees understand the advantage of face to face communication in business. Attendees are 5 times more likely to come back to an event if they find the right people to meet. This is why we know that Grip increases attendee satisfaction. Grip is there to facilitate networking at your event.We all heard the stories your attendees have prepared their business cards look at the attendee list and had a list of people they wanted to target. However, when they arrived at the event they become disappointed because they can’t find the people they wanted to talk to. Grip changes all that, our AI helps attendees connect quickly so they can make the most of the event.

3. Maximize Attendee Engagement - Live Event Engagement

When others speak about live event engagement we speak about real life engagement by that we mean that your attendees will be more engage in your event by making the right connections.We maximise the connections an attendee can make at an event giving you the assurance that your attendees have a productive event. Attendees are 5 times more likely to come back to an event after making connections at that event.The Grip app is integrated with Slido for event polling and other event App making sure event organizers get the features they want. This also removes the needs of having multiple apps.

4. Analyze Event Success

We recognise that event apps are not adopted by everyone this makes it even more difficult for event organizers to know if attendees had a successful event.Our event analytics focuses on “connections” giving you peace of mind that your attendees have made the right connections during the event, enhancing their experience of the event and most importantly giving you a clear view of how many connection were made during the event. The analytics gives a clear breakdown of who came to the event helping you get the right sponsors.

5. Boost Your Ticket Sales

Our App facilitates word of mouth about an event by getting your attendee engaged with other attendees by facilitating networking at the event. An attendee that has made great connections at an event is 10 times more likely to recommend the event to its peers. This is why we know that our app can boost ticket sales on a recurring event.

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