Grip Categories for B2B Matchmaking

Grip Categories for B2B Matchmaking
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The Grip Matchmaking Engine uses artificial intelligence to understand the networking objectives of users, and connect them with the most relevant people at your event. However, as an organizer you already know a lot about which people will be interested in meeting each other at your event.To take advantage of this, we’ve introduced the Categories feature, enabling you to have your knowledge influence our artificial intelligence and help us learn faster and perform better business matchmaking. Here's a short “how to” guide to get started with the Categories function in Grip for your event.

1. In your dashboard open the “Categories” tab

2. Add your categories

You can add as many categories as you like, but we recommend keeping it simple to make sure people are not in doubt as to which category they belong to.

3. Select the Event / Container to relate Categories

While Categories are app-wide, relations are event-scoped. In this way, you can change the relations of Categories for every individual event. For example, at one event importers might want to meet with exporters, whereas at another event they might want to meet with service providers.

4. Create relations between Categories

For every category you can specify multiple related categories, this can only be other categories that are also in the application. The relations are one-way, so think of it as a sentence: “As an investor I want to meet startups, corporations, accelerators”. "As a startup I want to meet Investors, Corporate VCs, Accelerators”. Correctly setting up the relations will significantly improve business matchmaking at your event.

Well done!

You’ve now setup Categories in the Grip matchmaking engine, and established relations between them for a specific event to create even better business matchmaking. Now consider reading about how you can use the Grip Attendee Plugin or request a demo to start using Grip at your event!