
Meeting checklist: How to set up your room for magical meetings

Meeting checklist: How to set up your room for magical meetings

Tim Groot

CEO & Co-Founder

As the economic downturn worsens, Grip has seen a record 80% increase in demand for events where meetings are a core part of the experience. But how do you create the right environment for your participants to meet? Simply putting them in a room with tables and chairs isn’t enough. You need to think about the participants’ event experience and work backwards from that.

Hosting successful meetings at your next event, (i.e. with pre-scheduled meetings powered by MustMeet) takes careful planning and attention to detail. Here’s a room checklist giving all the items needed to make your meetings magical.

Audio visual cues:

It’s easy to jump straight into the functional logistics of tables and chairs. But there are other elements that are equally important, like a clock so they know how long they have until each meeting finishes. 

  1. A PA / microphone system is essential for making announcements, introducing speakers, and ensuring that everyone can hear what is being said.
  2. Installing a large TV screen or projector with an overview of all tables is a great way to familiarize yourself with the layout of the event.
  3. Use the above screen to show a virtual countdown clock during meetings. This is a great way to keep track of time and stay on schedule. 

Meeting area:

Of course we should provide tables and chairs for the meetings to take place. But there are other elements that make a good meeting area. For example, are your tables numbered correctly? Do you have power adaptors when someone wants to charge their laptop for a presentation? 

  1. Table numbering is an important aspect to hosting meetings at your event. Ensure every table has a sign with the name of the company (i.e. sponsor) and their table number.
  2. Numbering should not ‘snake’ around but instead should be on a row-by-row basis, always starting with the lowest number at the same side. Show a sign at the beginning of every row of tables with all table numbers that are situated in that row.
  3. The right number of chairs is a must to remove any awkwardness for participants. Ensure there are at least three chairs per table or spare seating area to the side of the room for attendees.
  4. Power adapters at every table in the meeting area will ensure attendees can charge their devices and stay connected. Even better, could you provide various cables and adaptors for participants’ phones?

Refreshment area:

Longer sessions require adequate refreshments. Even if you’ve got shorter pre-scheduled meetings, it’s still a good idea to give people who aren’t involved in meetings a place to stand and conduct some informal networking. 

  1. A refreshment area is a must, if pre-scheduled meetings are longer than one hour. Check you have a refreshment area with hot / cold drinks and snacks for attendees to enjoy. As part of the refreshments area, look to add some couches. This gives participants an informal place to relax when they are not having meetings.
  2. A networking area is a great place for those who aren’t taking part in the meetings (e.g. junior sales reps or assistants) to hang out and network. It also gives participants somewhere to go between their meetings. 

Minimizing and managing no-shows and cancellations

Implementing the below steps you’ll be able to get a 100% attendance rate, like we did for our meetings at PCMA Convening Leaders. 

  1. Organize a luncheon or breakfast for buyers, prior to meetings. This is a great way to ensure everyone shows up early so they are ready for their meetings afterwards.
  2. Ensure no-shows or cancellations are accurately reflected on the platform by pushing changes into participants’ schedules.

By following this room setup checklist, you'll be well on your way to hosting successful pre-scheduled meetings that are organized, valuable and enjoyable for all participants.

To run successful pre-scheduled meetings, check out Grip’s MustMeet, the world’s most powerful meeting scheduler for event organizers.